I took some antihistamine Because everything just hurt too much And I needed to feel like everything was okay long enough to loose grip And there i was In this dream You lived in a New Orleans style Old house and I had come over to Borrow a spotlight made from a pighead Called the “pig light “ It’s a pigs head w a grip coming out its mouth There’s a spot light where the neck stops Built into the head. When you pull the trigger to shine the light It looks like a pig eating a gun No one can see you when the lights on You came outside w dirty laundry or a pile of your clothes crying You dumped the clothes into the open trunk of one of the man rusted out cars in the large front yard shrouded in weeping willows I asked if I could borrow the pig light Then I was a ghost i thought I flailed in the yard with the pig light The weird tourists couldn’t see me Dancing with the pig light I thought I was a ghost I got done moving and went inside to see why you were crying I felt my way through the dark chaotic cluttered house I got under some covers and listened: Your roommate looked like young Joan Jett. You asked HER why she was crying Joan Jett said because he hit me Both of you moved over to where I was under the covers. And continued your conversation talking back and forth from opposite sides of the bed or covers pile. I fidgeted and coughed. I made sounds like I was waking up. Was I? Apparently I was not a ghost, and you thought noticed I was there and that maybe I had been sleeping there. You affectionately pulled back the covers “Is this where you want to be?” Then I woke up “for real.” To answer your question, Yes it is. I would be fine if heaven was my brain firing off like this. But in this life, it’s important to me that you know: I don’t like you Cuz I love you.